Valentine’s Day for couples struggling with infertility
Dr. Chamoun and the team at Viera Fertility Center know that dealing with infertility can be one of the most stressful situations a couple can face. You’ve likely faced disappointment, regret, blame, and anger at different stages of your journey, and sometimes those emotions can be directed toward your partner. With the emotional highs and lows compounded by the necessary hormonal fluctuations, it’s a trying time for any couple.
This Valentine’s Day, however, your Melbourne fertility clinic invites you to take a break from the anticipate of looking forward toward a successful pregnancy to instead look backward at all the reasons that brought you together as a couple in the first place.
What is it about your partner that made you want to raise a family together? What made you laugh when you first met? What were the early challenges in your relationship, and think about how you’ve grown together.
While you’re in theĀ midst of a trying season, we know that your future is bright. Take time to cleave together as a couple this Valentine’s Day remembering all the things that drove you together in the first place. Remember why you’re uniting in love and be sure to express it to one another–you’ll need the reassurance at some point in this journey, and Valentine’s Day is an excellent time to reconnect to your past and recommit to your future together.