Tubal Sterilization Reversal: What to Expect

When it comes to deciding on what’s the right next step for your family, you may hear your Viera Fertility specialist talk about the tubal sterilization reversal procedure. While this procedure is not suitable for all women, there are some cases where a woman could be a good candidate. Once the fallopian tubes are tied, that does not ultimately mean she can no longer carry a child. With the help of Dr. Chamoun, these tubes can be repaired and reconnected to help her achieve pregnancy naturally.

Determining Whether You Can Have the Procedure

The first thing to consider is whether or not you can actually have the surgery, according to what suits your health needs. The general assumption is that you want to have children. Therefore, your health and ability to successfully carry a child is going to be the first thing your doctor confirms. That’s going to include questions about why you originally had the surgery, and what has changed since then. Any other health issues you’ve had which might be detrimental to your baby are also going to be considerations.

Your age is going to be a determining factor along with your general fitness level. Another factor is going to be “why” you had your tubes tied in the first place. It may have been because you didn’t want more children, or because of the fact that your doctor saw a potential danger that could arise when getting pregnant again.

Preparation Before the Surgery

The process of tubal sterilization reversal is like any other surgery, you want to prepare as far ahead of time as possible. Depending on your insurance and the recommendation of your doctor, it’s likely to be an elective surgery you have to pay for out of pocket. In order to successfully complete the tubal sterilization reversal, your fertility specialist may want you to:

  • Be in the best shape concerning fitness as you can be.
  • Expect blood tests and physical health exams.
  • If the reason for the surgery is to allow pregnancy, your partner will likely be asked to provide semen samples and also undergo general health exams.

After Care: In and Out of the Recovery Room

The actual surgery is an outpatient procedure. Assuming no complications occur, you most likely won’t have to stay overnight. You’ll receive a set of instructions about what to do over the next few days. These instructions typically involve rest, relaxation, and maybe take some pain relievers. Call the doctor immediately if you experience any pain or discomfort with going to the bathroom.

One difference many other women noted after the tubal sterilization reversal is that they tend to have lighter periods. In fact, some women report having at least two to three days shorter of a period than before the procedure. This can also mean that you may experience irregular periods, and could even notice sharp pains or cramps during your cycle.

You’re going to have some pain as incisions heal. That’s to be expected as part of the surgery. You’ll feel better after a few days, but it might take a couple of weeks before you’re fully healed. Most patients report feeling better after about three days, to a week. However, every case is different. Wait until the doctor says you’re in proper shape to begin sexual intercourse.

Talk to a Fertility Specialist

Tubal anastomosis, or tubal sterilization reversal, is not going to be ideal for every woman. This complex procedure requires specific conditions in order to be successful. At Viera Fertility Clinic, Dr. Chamoun assesses the direct relationship between your fertility and any complications that could prevent you from starting or growing your family. With our state-of-the-art laboratory and advancement infertility research, we’re confident that we’ll be able to get you one step closer to achieving pregnancy. Contact the experts at Viera Fertility Clinic today to see if you would be a good candidate for Tubal Sterilization Reversal.